Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The 4 groups of Indians

Some peoples minds are like sponges that cant get enough water.I hope when you have a time you can wring out some of that knowledge on other people . Right now i ' m going to tell you about you ancestors called Indians.There are different verities of Indians.One of the four main groups of Indians are the Northwestern Indians they had a moist environment they constructed their cabins (longhouses). They had good growing season and they would hunt for fish.Some of the things they grew were corn ,tomatoes,and apples they also hunted for fish.
Another tribe of Indians were the southwestern Indians.I think the southwestern Indians were brief simple people the things they ate plants that were resistant to heat like cactus.The basic items they used were things called adobe brick.These type of Indians lived in the dessert.The dirt there was like clay so they mixed it with water and it turned into clay.The third tribe was called the western plain Indians.The western plain Indians were always moving because their main food source was Buffalo and Buffalo always roam.they also had different religions because of their resources.Their houses were sticks and tarp.
The southeastern Indians also made their houses out of wood.They also had a good growing seasons.Some of the things they grew were tobacco,corn,and cotton.They went hunting for the animals around them.This might be boring but this is what I learned in school.
Can you relate to this topic?

"I Am" Poem

I am honest and playful
I wonder if I will have children
I hear the angels blow their trumpets
I want to go to heaven
I am honest and playful

I pretend to fly
I feel the lord’s hands in mine
I touch fire of the horizon
I worry about our world in the future
I cry for my Aunt Mallisa
I am honest and playful

I understand my personality
I say I will make the world a better place
I dream that the lord will come for my soul
I try my best to get good grades
I hope my parents live to see my children
I am honest and playful