Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Teen Driving Safety

As you see on the news many teens lives are taken away because driving under the in influence. Most cases are from being under the influence. Some people get distracted and accidentally lose control. Teens plus teens equal disaster. I have lost someone that was very dear to me. When we received the news my family was shocked. It was my uncle. So I caution you to drive safe and not under the influence. Here are some tips that I would use.

1. To be a successful teacher, you need to understand a few things about motivating a student during driving sessions...
Check frequently to ensure that your teen understands
Keep things moving by giving your instructions in real time
Point things out as they haappen
Act more as the co-pilot than taskmaster
Keep an eye on the road ahead of you at all times

2. Other teens in the car is one of the greatest risks...
Friends lead to excitement, distractions and peer pressure
Fatal crashes with teen drivers are more likely to involve passengers
Teens are less likely to wear seat belts when driving with other teens

3. There are all kinds of distractions that can take our eyes off the road. Here's a way to help maintain your attention:
Keep both hands on the wheel while driving
Don't talk on the phone without a hands-free accessory
Wait 'til the next stoplight to change that CD
Don't drive with passengers until you are more experienced
Parent's Tip: Don't remind your teen of all the possible distractions. Instead, enforce keeping your hands on the wheel and you'll avoid most of the distractions that cause serious crashes.

4.To help your teen understand, take the time to review the issues and responsibilities associated with driving and consider making a Parent-Teen Driving Agreement using the outline below as a guide...
Issue - Curfew Responsibility/Rule - Weekday evening curfew of 10 pm and a weekend evening curfew of midnightAgreement - Coming home after the curfew will result in the curfew being set one hour earlier for one week
Parent's Tip: Treat your teen with the same respect by allowing them some control over the rules of driving.

5. Driving requires commitment and discipline - from both the student and the coach. The best way to demonstrate these traits is to establish a practice schedule and stick to it.
Commit to the 100 hours of supervised instruction (100 hours is only 2 hours/week for a year, or 4 hours/week for 6 months)
Make it routine--set aside a specific day and time for driving practice (Put it in your day-planner if you have to; this is an appointment for safety)
Go with the flow--when the lessons require driving at night or in bad weather, make adjustments
Don't cancel, reschedule--when you have to work late or something else unexpected comes up, don't cancel your driving date, reschedule it.
Parent's Tip: Demonstrate to your child that you are making this a firm commitment to their safety

6. If your teen can spend 10 hours getting hand-cramps from the latest video game, he or she can spend ten sessions meandering through your local countryside or back roads, to develop driving hand-eye coordination. Anytime visibility decreases, have your teen:Slow down Access the situation If visibility is only 100 feet ahead, you should be doing no more than 35 MPH. If it's at 50 feet, it's 25 MPH, and so on.
Parent's Tip: Build up to an hour or more per session. It will help your teens mind and body become more accustomed to driving and build more confidence.
Just remember that person might be you behind the wheel. So take the safety percussions

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The 4 groups of Indians

Some peoples minds are like sponges that cant get enough water.I hope when you have a time you can wring out some of that knowledge on other people . Right now i ' m going to tell you about you ancestors called Indians.There are different verities of Indians.One of the four main groups of Indians are the Northwestern Indians they had a moist environment they constructed their cabins (longhouses). They had good growing season and they would hunt for fish.Some of the things they grew were corn ,tomatoes,and apples they also hunted for fish.
Another tribe of Indians were the southwestern Indians.I think the southwestern Indians were brief simple people the things they ate plants that were resistant to heat like cactus.The basic items they used were things called adobe brick.These type of Indians lived in the dessert.The dirt there was like clay so they mixed it with water and it turned into clay.The third tribe was called the western plain Indians.The western plain Indians were always moving because their main food source was Buffalo and Buffalo always roam.they also had different religions because of their resources.Their houses were sticks and tarp.
The southeastern Indians also made their houses out of wood.They also had a good growing seasons.Some of the things they grew were tobacco,corn,and cotton.They went hunting for the animals around them.This might be boring but this is what I learned in school.
Can you relate to this topic?

"I Am" Poem

I am honest and playful
I wonder if I will have children
I hear the angels blow their trumpets
I want to go to heaven
I am honest and playful

I pretend to fly
I feel the lord’s hands in mine
I touch fire of the horizon
I worry about our world in the future
I cry for my Aunt Mallisa
I am honest and playful

I understand my personality
I say I will make the world a better place
I dream that the lord will come for my soul
I try my best to get good grades
I hope my parents live to see my children
I am honest and playful